About the Fall demos
Hello everyone. I wanted to let you know we went with a different demo theme this fall. We literally just had the country’s BEST trappers here in Sioux Falls doing demos a month prior to our convention. As such we are throwing our dedicated vendors who have been there at fall conventions for years some “me time”. The demos this year will be at their booths and they will highlight items they have and explain things like, “why are there 15 different types of coyote lure? Are they for different times of the year and weather maybe? Have I been using the right lure at the wrong time?”. Our vendors are experts or they would not be in business long. I speak for all the directors when I say we would not have a convention without them. Demos, advice, giving items to kids and providing items for the grubstake raffles are a few of the things I have seen them do. Giving them a chance to shine and maybe make a few extra bucks for gas money is the right thing to do. After the AMAZING demos we just saw in Sioux Falls this is the right time to do it as well. The vendors did not ask for this, we did as they deserved it. So looking forward to seeing you at their booths asking questions about the 100s of things they have there.